Must Try Food in New York

A foodies adventure, Enjoy the iconic pizza slice, Bageld and Hot Dogs.

Written by Niké
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food cart new york

When it comes to iconic New York City food we need to mention the beloved slice of🍕 pizza or the classic 🌭 hot dog. Grabbing a slice from a local joint is a must-do if you want to feel like a New Yorker. We share the best food and the places where to find it.

Joe’s Pizza slices

For a real classic New York pizza, there is one name that stands out among the rest – Joe’s Pizza. Located in Greenwich Village, Joe’s has been serving slices since 1975. With its old-school charm and consistently delicious pizza, Joe’s has become a favorite place for many. Thin crispy crust, tangy tomato sauce, gooey cheese, and perfect balance of flavors make every bite a slice of heaven. Try to visit Joe’s Pizza when you are in New York City, It’s a famous and iconic pizza place.

Classic hot dog on the go

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Hot dog stands around the city always offer a wide range of toppings, like sauerkraut, mustard, chili, and cheese. It is a quick and tasty snack while walking the busy streets. Whenever you’re around Central Park West, try one of Billy’s hot dogs. Located at 93rd St & Central Park West, Billy has been serving hot dogs for 40 years. Billy is such a friendly guy too; he will make you feel as if you’re a real New Yorker. Besides that, his hot dogs have the perfect snap and are accompanied by a delicious tomato relish and sautéed onions. Why not grab one (or two ;)) and enjoy it on one of Central Park’s benches.

Trying out Chinatown’s street food

If you are looking for a culinary experience ChinaTown is the place to be! her you can find it all from dim sum, noodles to roast duck or seafood. With fruit markets, restaurants, and street food stalls you will find easily a place to enjoy the Chinese cuisine.

Authentic Soul Food in Harlem

waffle chicken new york

Another fantastic culinary place in New York City is Harlem. Here it is all about Soul food. In Harlem you can find a wide range of soul food restaurants that serve comforting nostalgic dishes. Dishes that have been passed down for generations. For example, perfectly fried chicken with collard greens and creamy cornbread or waffles with chicken. It’s a unique taste and feeling that can’t be easily found elsewhere.

We have showed you that New York has an endless variety of food options, from Billly’s hot dogs, to soul food in Harlem. So, explore the culinary scene next time you’re in New York City. If you like a little help you can also book a food tour.